Who We Are

CARA is UK-based charity which supports children at risk in Asia by providing financial and in-kind support directly to local organisations.
Our core values are to only support projects that:
Understand and follow the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Base all decisions regarding the children on the best interests of that child above all else.
Believe that a loving family environment is the best option for children and that institutional care should be a last option only when all others are exhausted.
We will never support projects that:
Are not fully transparent in their financial processes.
Promote any religious or political beliefs.
Discriminate in any way based on gender, ethnicity or disability.
Currently, we work with two organisations on the Thai-Burma border: the Border Health Initiative (BHI), a community organisation run by local Mon people and One Sky Foundation, a registered Thai charity.
We believe that children deserve to be treated with respect and dignity; we follow this value directly in all of our work and in how we communicate it to our supporters. This is why children pictured on this website are presented only in a positive light.
Find out more about our Partner Organizations or meet our Staff and Advisors.